The 2020 Club Championship is in the history books! Congratulations to Mike Auerbach for earning his first Nassau Players Club Championship in a hard fought win over former Champion Matt Corrigan. Congratulations also to "A" Flight Champion Don Cervantes, "B" Flight Champion Rich Eaton, and "C" Flight Champion Frank Vitale.
The Nassau Players Club was founded in 1993 and is proud to be based at Bethpage State Park in Farmingdale, New York, home of the world famous "Black Course." Our home course has hosted the 2002 U.S. Open, the 2009 U.S. Open, the 2012 & 2016 Barclays and the 2019 PGA Championship. Next on the schedule is the 2025 Ryder Cup.
In 1993 Ernie Bodo, Glen Broderick, Bill Geiger, Sean McGowan, Paul Joyce and Mike O' Grady played together on weekends and became the founding members of a group of golfers. As the group grew in size, they decided to formalize it. A meeting was held at McGowan's house and the Board of Directors was determined by a draw of cards. "The Winners" were Glenn Broderick, President, Sean McGowan, Secretary, and Ernie Bodo, Treasurer. Also in attendance were Bill Bartell, Bill Geiger, Paul Joyce and Mike O'Grady.
The accolades for choosing the name of the club go to Ernie Bodo, who chose the name based on the criteria that all the players were residents of Nassau County and when they played they would always have a wager in the Nassau format, hence the name: "The Nassau Players." As more people joined, it became "The Nassau Players Club."
The Nassau Players Club is an association of golfers who want to increase their enjoyment of the game. The club's membership is limited to avid golfers who love the game and have the desire to play golf with other members on a frequent basis.
The yearly dues go towards each member getting an official handicap through the United State Golf Association's Handicap & Information Network along with enabling the member to participate in each of the club's tournaments. Membership in the Nassau Players Club also enables the members to participate in all events sponsored by the LIGA, MGA and NYSGA. In addition, annually, all members receive an a golf related item with the club's logo on it.
The club has the largest membership of any organized club "without real estate" and has one of the lowest average handicap of any club in the country.